About Us

Welcome to Space Xpress international couriers. The services of Space Xpress are trustworthy and reliable. We are dedicated to providing you with the best service, focusing on dependability, customer service, and uniqueness.

We are prized to be the fastest courier services providing door to door delivery across the world. We offer various freight services, enabling us to enter door delivery to any destination on the planet. We make packaging supplies and can pack things of whatever size or weight it may be and are leaders in handling fragile, large, awkward, and essential goods.

And remember, the pricing is very reasonable compared to other international services, and the prices are less by 40 to 50 percent.

Space Xpress is not just a delivery service. And it is a bridge between you and the love of your loved ones.

We boast of a solid and consistent branding that represents excellence in everything that we do. We consider the customer’s convenience in sending items. We possess a highly professional corporate image and took great care to monitor the consistency of the image by continuously enhancing the quality of services.